T2 S.R.L. in partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University is running during the period 17.02.2023-16.11.2023 the project entitled "Innovative software product for the analysis of sentiment in Romanian texts - SENTITEXT", SMIS code 156284.
The innovative technological project "SENTITEXT" is an innovative software product for the analysis of sentiments in Romanian texts, i.e. for the automatic detection of the polarity of texts or emotions expressed textually by creating relevant and robust lexical-semantic resources in the form of affective lexicons or annotated corpora.
Following the development of the project, T2 S.R.L. aims to diversify the IT solutions it provides to customers by introducing a solution capable of generating sentiment analysis in texts with the help of artificial intelligence-based algorithms, the solution being designed to meet a demand already expressed by staff in marketing, customer relations, call-center and business development departments in the financial-banking industry, but also by decision-makers in organizations. Since there are such digital solutions on the market that have proven to be effective for English, the teams in the partnership for the implementation of this project (T2 and Babeș - Bolyai University) will take over this solution, and with the help of industrial research and experimental development activities will adapt it to the peculiarities of the Romanian language, thus creating a new product that despite the increasing demand is not available on the market, able to perform the embedded sentiment of texts in order to generate analytical reports that are reliable tools for decision makers in the mentioned sectors.
The IT solution to be implemented through this project will be configured to extract sentiment from financial texts, for use by people working in banking institutions, private pension administrators, leasing companies, insurance companies and fintechs. However, the way the approach to this solution is conceived generates a great advantage as it allows the insertion of new language modules from other specialist spheres, such as telecommunications and other areas where currently the detailed analysis of available text data is difficult due to the lack of such an application.
The project is funded under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Component 1 - Innovative Technology Project, Call 2022, Priority Axis - Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development, Operation - Stimulating business demand for innovation through RDI projects carried out by enterprises individually or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, aiming at process and product innovation in economic sectors with growth potential.
The project responds to the thematic priority of smart growth on the development of a knowledge and innovation-based economy. The project brings added value both in terms of creating an innovative nationwide service that will lead to a digitisation of customer services, but also in terms of increased performance through the provision of sentiment analysis reports. With the help of these reports companies can identify and respond to various adverse situations, improve the quality of their services/products, discover new marketing strategies, increase sales revenue and reduce risks.
The total value of the project is 14.128.450,00 lei. The amount of eligible expenditure is 12,558,150.00 lei, of which the amount of non-reimbursable funding granted is 9,514,530.00 lei, funds from the European Regional Development Fund, and the own contribution is 3,043,620.00 lei.
The general objective of the project is to diversify the activity of T2 S.R.L. by completing the portfolio of products and services offered at the moment with an innovative, new product, which has not been previously realized in the company, namely SENTITEXT - Innovative software product for sentiment analysis in Romanian, texts software product for financial banking organizations, financial non-banking and fintechs in Romania that own call centers.
Specific objectives of the project:
- Specific objective 1 - Create a turnkey solution for managing call-center services in target group organizations and reduce their operating costs.
- Specific objective 2 - To increase the project implementation and research-development-innovation capacity of the applicant and the partner by developing an IT product at the highest standards in the field.
- Specific objective 3 - Accelerate response actions - by immediately analyzing interactions, being able to instantly alert people to address customer satisfaction, compliance, or process issues.
Activity | Result |
Activity 1 - Project management |
Activity 2 - Information and publicity |
Activity 3 - Initial investment for innovation |
Activity 4 - Experimental development |
Activity 5 - Dissemination of project results |
Activity 6 - Final audit |
- Financial banking institutions in Romania (commercial banks)
- Non-banking financial institutions (NFIs) in Romania
- Fintechs in Romania
- Improving customer service/increasing customer satisfaction
- Accelerate actions to respond to various adverse situations in the organization.
- Facilitating the process of improving services/products offered in line with customer wishes.
- Discovery of new marketing strategies
- Increase sales revenue.
- Improved crisis management
- Reducing risk in non-banking financial organizations by increasing the ability to analyze every customer interaction.
- Aligning technology with internationally adopted standards.
- Increase agility and speed to respond to market/customer needs.
- Continuous adoption of new technologies
- 1 notice published at the start of the project
- 1 notice published at the end of the project
- 15 stickers
- 3 information posters
- 1 description of the project on the beneficiary's website (including link to fonduri-ue.ro)
- 1 project website
Information on the grant contract
Project funded under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Component 1 - Innovative Technology Project, call 2022, Priority Axis - Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development, Operation - Stimulating business demand for innovation through RDI projects carried out by enterprises individually or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities for process and product innovation in economic sectors with growth potential.
The total value of the project is 14.128.450,00 lei. The amount of eligible expenditure is 12,558,150.00 lei, of which the amount of non-reimbursable funding granted is 9,514,530.00 lei, funds from the European Regional Development Fund, and the own contribution is 3,043,620.00 lei.
The duration of the contract is 9 months, starting on 17.02.2023.
The beneficiary of the project is T2 S.R.L., project carried out in partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University, phone: 0788.888.539, email: office@t-2.srl.
"The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania."
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