"Competing together""Innovative software product for sentiment analysis in Romanian texts - SENTITEXT", SMIS code 156284 Română –SENTITEXT”, cod SMIS 156284 If you have any questions, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Contact us Address Ceauș Firică Street, Nr. 35, Roșiori de Vede, Teleorman county, Postal code 145100Municipiul Roșiori de Vede, județul Teleorman, Cod poștal 145100 Phone Anatol OPREA0788.888.539 Email office@t-2.srl Website t-2.srl Contact Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Nume *Email *Numar Telefon *Subiectul Tau *Your message *PhoneSend "The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania."All rights reserved © Copyright T2 S.R.L. Information For detailed information on other programmes co-financed by the European Union, please visit www.fonduri-ue.ro . Follow us Facebook-f Linkedin-in Envelope